We show the latest Bulk deals data in GBGLOBAL from NSE Bhavcopy. You can come here daily and check the daily Bulk Deals data in GBGLOBAL from NSE.
Date | Symbol | Stock Name | Client Name | Buy/Sell | Quantity | Trade Price/WAP | Remarks |
31-May-21 | GBGLOBAL | GB Global Limited | BABALBHAI MANILAL PATEL | BUY | 31000 | 9.30 | - |
11-May-21 | GBGLOBAL | GB Global Limited | NIRMALA PRABHAKAR BOLINJKAR | BUY | 18725 | 7.49 | - |
A bulk deal for a GBGLOBAL is a deal in which a large quantity of shares exchange hands. There are two parties to the transaction and one side buys and the other side sells the shares pertaining to GBGLOBAL. After such a transaction is complete, every single detail about the transaction pertaining to GBGLOBAL is presented to the exchange. Depending on the outlook of the investors on GBGLOBAL, the size of the deal varies significantly.
A deal involving GBGLOBAL that results in the exchange of a large quantity of shares between two parties is a bulk deal. Typically, if 0.5% shares of all the listed shares of GBGLOBAL are traded, the deal is a bulk deal. For example, 100,000 shares listed on BSE or NSE and on any given day 0.5% of 100,000, which is 500 shares of GBGLOBAL are exchanged in a single transaction, then such a transaction is categorised as a bulk deal for GBGLOBAL. These deals are executed during the regular trading hours and are facilitated by BSE or NSE and hence, the data and all the details pertaining to the GBGLOBAL deal are published at the end of the day.
Since either BSE or the NSE facilitates these deals for GBGLOBAL, the exchange would publish the date on which the deal for GBGLOBAL was executed, the registered entity name of GBGLOBAL, the client who is involved in the transaction, the direction of the deal (buy or sell), the quantity of the shares traded and the trade price or the weighted average price. Every such deal for GBGLOBAL has two parties involved - one each on the buy and sell side respectively. At the end of the day, BSE or NSE combines all GBGLOBAL transactions along with others into one CSV and provides it for download at NSE bhavcopy. Traders and analysts can use this data to build investment strategies.
GBGLOBAL bulk deals are executed by institutional investors, mutual funds or high net worth individuals who believe in tremendous upside for GBGLOBAL and are interested in taking long positions or do not see any merit in holding GBGLOBAL any long and hence would like to reduce positions.The nature of the deal to qualify as a bulk deal is that, a bulk deal of GBGLOBAL has to be at least 0.5% the size of the total number of shares of the stock trading in the market. Deals of such significant size cause market movement in one direction or another. The price at which the deal for GBGLOBAL is executed also makes a significant contribution to the movement of the market. In a bulk deal for GBGLOBAL, it is not necessary that the number sold by one party is exactly equal to the number bought by another party. There can be multiple parties involved on either side of the bulk deal for GBGLOBAL.
Bulk deals for GBGLOBAL by regulation are visible to all market participants. The bulk deals for GBGLOBAL are exchange facilitated and are executed during the regular trading hours. Therefore, the ripples of a bulk deal for GBGLOBAL are felt by all market participants and the data pertaining to the bulk deal for GBGLOBAL is also shared by the exchange at the end of the trading session via BSE or NSE bhavcopy data download.
It is possible that bulk deals for GBGLOBAL cause unusual price movements in the market for a particular stock for which the bulk deal for GBGLOBAL was executed. But since these are exchange regulated and since the data is readily shared with every single market participant, the effect on the stock price because of a bulk deal for GBGLOBAL is dampened significantly. Availability of information with every market participant which does not lead to an information asymmetry that the execution of a bulk deal for GBGLOBAL might bring in ensures that major swings in the price are controlled.
Bulk deals for GBGLOBAL executed in a stock express the confidence of an investor in that stock. If an institutional investor of high repute executes a bulk deal for GBGLOBAL on the buy side, it can be interpreted that GBGLOBAL is showing signs of recovery and the market confidence on the stock also experiences a boost. A retail investor with cash waiting to invest in a worthy stock might use the bulk deal for GBGLOBAL cue to take long positions in the stock and wait for appreciation and capital gain. A trader dealing in options might execute long calls with the hope that the bulk deal for GBGLOBAL made by the institutional investor will push the price up in the coming days and hence the value of the calls also go up. An analyst who is studying GBGLOBAL should take the bulk deal for GBGLOBAL as a signal in the right direction. The analyst’s rating might change depending on the bulk deal for GBGLOBAL pushing the demand for the stock further up.
Simply by looking at the bulk deal of GBGLOBAL executed on a particular day for a particular stock, combining it with the history of such deals that have been executed for GBGLOBAL, an investor can identify investment opportunities. Given that a bulk deal for GBGLOBAL on BSE or NSE is executed by institutional investors or investors of high net worth, it is fair to assume that enough due diligence has been done before executing the bulk deal for GBGLOBAL. Hence, an investor can easily decipher the supply and demand dynamics of a particular stock purely by observing the history, size, frequency and value at which the bulk deal for GBGLOBAL is being executed.
Given the size of GBGLOBAL bulk deals executed on either BSE or NSE, it is possible to experience spiked volatility in the stock price for GBGLOBAL against which the bulk deal has been executed. Increase in volatility could result in price swings that could provide an opportunity to a trader to enter into a swing trade and exit when the expectation is fulfilled. Observing the history, size, frequency and value at which the bulk deal for GBGLOBAL were or are executed, the probability of making money on a swing trade increases significantly.
Bulk deals for GBGLOBAL at the end of each day are reported to the market participants and the data is shared via the BSE or NSE bhavcopy data. Bhavcopy data is and end of the day summary of all the market action uploaded to the BSE or NSE website. Data on each market instrument – stocks, bonds, ETFs or derivatives – is available for download and analysis. The data for GBGLOBAL is stored in multiple files of CSV format across various dates and contains a lot of columns which are not easy to decipher at first glance. BhavCopyData.com helps put together a constructive analysis surrounding GBGLOBAL, analysis that can assist investors choose an investment strategy, traders build a trade execution strategy or an analyst develop insights about a GBGLOBAL. The data is seamlessly brought into the platform and tabulated for easier analysis. Bulk deals for GBGLOBAL data from NSE bhavcopy is available in a reading-friendly and decision-friendly format. The tabulated information contains the GBGLOBAL, GBGLOBAL name, client name, buy/sell direction, traded quantity and the volume weighted average price for each bulk deal for GBGLOBAL executed for that particular day.
Visit BhavCopyData.com to check bulk deals for GBGLOBAL information for the current day on the landing page. Search historical data for a GBGLOBAL by date or by the direction of the transaction. With an intuitive search and filter feature, building analysis to take positions or generate strategies by looking at NSE bhavcopy bulk deals for GBGLOBAL data is extremely easy.
Yes, on our platform, the access to bulk deals for GBGLOBAL is absolutely free. The data is available in a readable, understandable and actionable format which helps analysts, traders and investors focus on more important activities and not worry about downloading, cleaning, storing and analysing bulk deals data related to GBGLOBAL.
Trading View Chart of GBGLOBAL:: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/?symbol=NSE:GBGLOBAL
Screener Link of GBGLOBAL:: https://www.screener.in/company/GBGLOBAL/
GBGLOBAL on NSE :: https://www.nseindia.com/get-quotes/equity?symbol=GBGLOBAL
GBGLOBAL on Yahoo Finance :: https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GBGLOBAL.NS